Saturday, July 25, 2009

Edward... my Edward!

Edward is my latest Obsession... Edward is my latest obsession yeah! I wanna sing this song the whole day. I just cant get enough of him and Twilight. I have read and re read all the books. Instead of my craziness going down its increasing with every read. I am in love with him and my BF is ready to either send me to a rehab or dump me.

"Ash if you don't stop trying to make me into Edward, I am gonna leave you", he said.

"Its not my fault. Edward is such that anyone will fall in love with him and why are you blaming me? Harini is the one who introduced me to him. Go and pounce on her", i said.

"Damn her! And damn that Edward. I am just happy that he isn't real", at that point i gave him such a nasty look that he got scared... yeah scared.

I still cant believe that Edward isn't real. If he was i would be trying all i can to woo him. Make him dump Bella and make me his.

"Don't give me that look. You are getting obsessed. I am sure if this goes on I have to send you to a Rehab".

But fortunately there isn't any such rehab if there was i would have been one of the patients. I say one of the because i know there are many more like me.

"Hani.. how come you are not so obsessed with Edward?" i asked her when we called her.

"Hehehe... Cause he is alright not some one i would obsess about".

"what? You must be kidding me. How can you think he is alright? Are you sane?"

"Ash... its you who is insane. I think Edward is great but not someone i can go-go over. And on top of it, whats the use. He is FICTIONAL".

And there ended my Obsession.